

李梓嘉在双亲和家人的陪同之下,和马来西亚羽总主席Tan Sri Norza Zakaria会面,他称此次会面获得羽李梓嘉vs桃田贤斗2021总主席的祝福他成为一名职业球员。李梓嘉感谢Tan Sri的指导和培育,同时他指自己永远是Tan Sri、马来西亚羽总以及马来西亚的产物。



I am pleased to have a private he谌龙李梓嘉art to heart meeting with BAM President Tan Sri Norza Zakar李梓嘉禁赛i谌龙李梓嘉a together with my parents. I am happy that w李梓嘉e are now resolving this issue谌龙李梓嘉 with BAM after receiving Tan Sri’s blessings to become a professional player. My pa李梓嘉祖籍st and future achievements will always be the product of Tan Sri Norza, BAM and Malaysia. I am forever thankful th李梓嘉简介at Tan Sri guided, nurtured and gave me the opportunity to serve t李梓嘉he country that I love. At the mo李梓嘉ment, I will comm谌龙李梓嘉it myself for the Asia Team Championships. I hope this conclusion unites us as Malaysians and Badminton Fans李梓嘉vs安赛龙.
P李梓嘉vs安赛龙lease continue to李梓嘉 support BAM and also the country’s professional players who are also nurtured by BAM because at th谌龙李梓嘉e end of the day we are one.


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